Hörgeräte für Brillenträger: Hörgerät und Brille - geht das?

Hearing aids for spectacle wearers: Hearing aids and glasses - is it possible?

Hearing aids for spectacle wearers: Hearing aids and glasses - is that possible? If you need both a hearing aid and glasses, you are faced with th...
Hörgeräte kaufen ohne Rezept | MySecondEar

Buy hearing aids without prescription | MySecondEar

Buy hearing aids without prescription Hearing aids are small devices used to help people with hearing loss hear better again. They are a popular an...
ITE Hörgeräte: Was sind ITE Hörgeräte? | MySecondEar

ITE Hearing Aids: What are ITE hearing aids? | MySecondEar

ITE Hearing Aids: What are ITE hearing aids? ITE stands for "in-the-ear" hearing aids, which are hearing aids worn directly in the ear. These hear...
Hörgeräte App: Hörgeräte via App einstellen (Android & iPhone)

Hearing aid app: Adjust hearing aids via app (Android & iPhone)

Hearing Aid App: Adjust Hearing Aids via App (Android & iPhone) A hearing aid app is an application for smartphones and other mobile devices desig...
Unitron App: Remote Plus Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Unitron App: Remote Plus Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility)

Unitron App: Remote Plus Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app in G...
Starkey App: Starkey Thrive Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Starkey App: Starkey Thrive Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility)

Starkey App: Starkey Thrive Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app from App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download ap...
ReSound App: ReSound Smart 3D Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

ReSound App: ReSound Smart 3D Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility)

ReSound App: ReSound Smart 3D Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app from App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download ...
Signia App: Signia Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Signia App: Signia Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Signia App: Signia Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app from App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app from Go...
Phonak Hörgeräte App: myPhonak App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Phonak App: myPhonak Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Phonak App: myPhonak Hearing Aids App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app from App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app from Goog...
Hörgeräte finanzieren – Ein Leitfaden für kluge Entscheidungen

Financing hearing aids - A guide to making smart decisions

Introduction to financing hearing aids Living with impaired hearing can be challenging, but modern hearing aids offer a significant improvement in ...
Finanzielle Unterstützung für Hörgeräte durch AHV und IV: Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Financial support for hearing aids from AHV and IV: a comprehensive guide

Introduction The world of hearing aids is complex and often associated with questions regarding funding and support from the AHV (old-age and survi...
Ohrabdrücke für Hörgeräte und Kopfhörer: Ein Profi-Guide zu Kosten und DIY-Tipps

Ear impressions for hearing aids and headphones: A professional guide to costs and DIY tips

A comprehensive guide to ear impressions: from the hearing aid acoustician to do-it-yourself Introduction to the world of ear impressions Ear impre...
Hörgeräte für Babys: Ein Leitfaden für junge Eltern

Hearing aids for babies: A guide for young parents

Hearing aids for babies: a guide for young parents If your little one seems to be having trouble hearing, it's an issue that requires immediate att...
Im Ohr Hörgeräte mit Akku | MySecondEar

In the ear hearing aids with rechargeable battery | MySecondEar

In Ear Hearing Aids with Rechargeable Battery In ear hearing aids with rechargeable batteries are a convenient and comfortable option for people wh...
Hörgeräte selbst einstellen: Lautstärke, Hörprogramme, App

Adjust hearing aids yourself: Volume, listening programs, app

Adjust hearing aids yourself: Volume, hearing programs, app Hearing aids are small electronic devices designed to help people with hearing problems...
Hörgeräte für 90 Jährige | MySecondEar

Hearing aids for 90 year olds | MySecondEar

Hearing aids for 90 year olds Hearing aids are electronic devices that help people with hearing loss better perceive sounds and voices. They are es...
Welche Hörgeräte sind besser im Ohr oder hinter dem Ohr?

Which hearing aids are better in the ear or behind the ear?

Which hearing aids are better in the ear or behind the ear? The choice between a hearing aid that is worn in the ear or one that is placed behind ...
Hörgerät Rückkopplung - Hörgeräte pfeifen und piepen | MySecondEar

Hearing Aid Feedback - Hearing Aids Whistle and Beep | MySecondEar

Hearing Aid Feedback - Hearing Aids Whistle and Beep A hearing aid is a device used to help people with hearing loss by amplifying sound waves and ...
Hörgeräteversorgung | MySecondEar

Hearing Aid Care | MySecondEar

Hearing aid care Hearing aid provision is an important topic, because optimal hearing aid provision can help people with hearing problems to better...
Was ist eine akustische Täuschung?

What is an acoustic illusion?

What is an auditory illusion? Maybe you know that you can't always rely on your sensory perception 100%. Surely you know the typical phenomenon of ...
Die Induktionsspule im Hörgerät

The induction coil in the hearing aid

What is the induction coil in the hearing aid? A cochlear implant (CI) or even a normal hearing aid mean an enormous help for a person with hearing...
Beihilfe für Hörgeräte – Ihr Ratgeber für finanzielle Unterstützung

Aid for hearing aids - your guide to financial support

Introduction: Why subsidies for hearing aids are important In Germany, subsidies play an important role, especially when it comes to healthcare. Fo...
Smartphone - Handy Hörgerätekompatibel | MySecondEar

Smartphone - cell phone hearing aid compatible | MySecondEar

Smartphone - cell phone hearing aid compatible Hearing aids are essential for many people with hearing problems to lead a normal life. Nowadays, sm...
Concha Hörgeräte - MySecondEar

Concha hearing aids - MySecondEar

Concha hearing aids Concha hearing aids are hearing aids that have been specially developed for use in the ear canal. This type of hearing aid is a...
Hörgeräte Filter wechseln - Anleitung & Tipps

Changing hearing aid filters - instructions & tips

Changing the hearing aid filter - instructions & tips If you want to keep your hearing aid in good working order for a long time, you need to take...
Hörgeräte und Hörgerätehersteller aus Deutschland | MySecondEar

Hearing aids and hearing aid manufacturers from Germany | MySecondEar

Hearing aids and hearing aid manufacturers from Germany German hearing aids are an important part of the German hearing aid industry and have gaine...
CIC Hörgeräte: Was sind CIC Hörgeräte? | MySecondEar

CIC Hearing Aids: What are CIC hearing aids? | MySecondEar

CIC Hearing Aids: What are CIC hearing aids? CIC stands for Completely In the Canal. It is a type of hearing aid that sits deep in the wearer's ea...
Die besten Hörgeräte für Senioren | MySecondEar

The best hearing aids for seniors | MySecondEar

The best hearing aids for seniors Hearing aids are an important aid for people who have difficulty hearing conversations and other sounds clearly. ...
Hansaton App: Hansaton Stream Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Hansaton App: Hansaton Stream hearing aid app (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Hansaton App: Hansaton stream hearing aid app (iPhone & Android compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app...
Welches ist das beste Hörgerät für an Taubheit grenzende Schwerhörige?

What is the best hearing aid for people bordering on deafness?

Which is the best hearing aid for people with hearing loss bordering on deafness? The choice of the best hearing aid for people with hearing loss b...
Hörgeräte Arten, Typen, Modelle - Welche Hörgeräte gibt es?

Hearing aids types, types, models - What hearing aids are there?

Hearing Aid Types In psychology, the Paradox of Choice describes a phenomenon in which too much choice negatively affects the decision-making proc...
Unsichtbare Hörgeräte - Preise & Erfahrungen

Invisible Hearing Aids - Prices & Reviews

Hearing Aid Invisible: Hearing Aids You Can't See One trend in particular is emerging strongly on the hearing aid market: the hearing aids on offer...
Oticon App: Oticon Companion Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Oticon App: Oticon ON / Companion hearing aid app (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Oticon App: Oticon Companion Hearing Aid App Download app from App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app from Google Play Store: h...
Hörgeräte-Hersteller und -marken: Preise & Erfahrungen

Hearing aid manufacturers and brands: prices & experience

Hearing aid manufacturers and brands: prices & experience Hearing aids are small devices that help people with hearing loss hear better. There are...
Philips Hörgeräte App: Philips HearLink App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Philips hearing aid app: Philips HearLink app (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Philips hearing aids app: Philips HearLink app (iPhone & Android compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download ap...
Bernafon App: Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Bernafon App: Easycontrol-A hearing aid app (iPhone & Android compatibility)

Bernafon App: Easycontrol-A Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app i...
MySecondEar Kunde mit Insekt im Ohr

If you have a spider in your ear....

Have you ever had an insect in your ear? It can actually happen that an insect finds its way into your ear. At first, you may not even notice it, b...
Binaurale Hörgeräte

Binaural hearing aids

Your guide to hearing aids in both ears A hearing aid is a highly technical tool. You can compare it to a computer. Old-fashioned hearing aids are ...