
Hearing glasses: Models, advantages and disadvantages | MySecondEar
Hearing Glasses
Whoever needs visual and hearing assistance often faces the problem that wearing both supports at the same time can cause pressure ...

BAHA hearing aid: areas of application, design, requirements & costs
When conventional hearing aids cannot be used for anatomical or medical reasons, bone-anchored hearing aids are a treatment option under certain co...

Bone conduction hearing aids: glasses, headband or implant? An overview of designs, areas of application and modes of operation
If the fitting of a conventional hearing aid, which is worn behind or in the ear, cannot be resorted to, access to hearing can be opened up via a b...

Positional vertigo exercises: Semont maneuver
The Semont Maneuver: A guide to treating dizziness
Introduction to the Semont maneuver
The Semont maneuver, an effective method for treating posit...

Positional vertigo exercises: Epley maneuver
Introduction to the Epley maneuver: An effective approach to treating positional vertigo
What is the Epley maneuver?
The Epley maneuver is an effe...

Positional vertigo exercises: Barbeque maneuver
Introduction to the barbecue maneuver
What is the barbecue maneuver?
The barbecue maneuver is a therapeutic technique used specifically to treat b...

Tinnitus treatment: What helps with tinnitus?
Tinnitus, a widespread phenomenon, affects millions of people in Germany, with most people experiencing at least temporary ringing in the ears. In ...

Sensorineural hearing loss: symptoms, causes, treatment
Inside ear hearing loss: symptoms, causes, treatment
Interior ear hearing loss, also known as sensorineural hearing loss or sensorineural hearing...

Hearing loss/degree of hearing loss Degree of disability (GdB) table
Hearing loss/degree of hearing loss (GdB)
The degree of disability (GdB) indicates the extent to which someone is physically, socially or mentally...

Pediatric acoustician: Hearing acoustics for children and adolescents | MySecondEar
Pediatric acoustics is a branch of hearing care that focuses on hearing care for children. For every 1000 children, one or two are already hearing ...

Earmold: areas of application, fabrication, cleaning & costs
Ear moulds, also known as earmolds, are components individually fitted to your ears that form the connection between the ear and the hearing system...

Hearing Advice & Hearing Aid Consultation | MySecondEar
Whoever suspects a hearing loss or is already sure to need a hearing aid should in any case make use of a professional hearing consultation. Howeve...

Hearing aid implant: bone conduction hearing aid, cochlear, middle ear or brainstem implant? - Differences, costs, modes of operation
In many cases, the provision of classic in-the-ear or behind-the-ear hearing aids is perfectly adequate to support the speech comprehension of hear...

Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma): Experiences, symptoms, surgery
What is acoustic neuroma? (Vestibular schwannoma)
Acoustic neuroma (or vestibular schwannoma) is a rare, benign tumor in the auditory and vestibula...

Conductive hearing loss/ middle ear hearing loss: treatment, causes, types, symptoms.
Conductive hearing loss - what is it and what can help?
Conductive hearing loss prevents sound waves from reaching sensory cells in the inner ear....

Tinnitus treatment home remedies
Treat tinnitus with home remedies
A significant proportion of the population is affected by tinnitus. The causes, severity, course and treatment o...

Tinnitus caused by stress
Stress-induced tinnitus
"It's stress-related" is what many tinnitus patients are told if other causes of ringing in the ears have been ruled out. ...

Pediatric audiology: specialist, examination, hearing tests
Pediatric audiology
As a branch of audiology, pediatric audiology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hearing disorders and auditory percept...

Exostoses: causes, symptoms and treatment
Exostoses: causes, symptoms and treatment
Exostoses are benign bony growths that can occur in the bony part of the external auditory canal. They a...

Noise-induced hearing loss occupational disease: causes, symptoms, treatment
Noise-induced hearing loss definition
Noise-induced hearing loss results from very severe and/or long-term noise exposure to the ears, which is why...

Combined hearing loss: definition, symptoms, causes, treatment
Combined hearing loss
Combined hearing loss is when a conductive hearing loss and a conductive hearing loss occur together. Consequently, both the ...

(Sudden) hearing loss in one ear: causes, symptoms, treatment
Sudden hearing loss in one ear
Suddenly hearing barely or not at all in one ear can be quite a scary moment. Immediately, horror scenarios pop into...

Auditory Processing and Perception Disorder (AVD): Diagnosis, Symptoms, Test
Hearing impairment despite intact hearing
Auditory processing and perception disorder (AVSD/AVS) is diagnosed when the hearing itself is intact, bu...

Low frequency hearing loss: causes, symptoms, treatment
Low frequency hearing loss: what is it?
Low-frequency hearing loss is one of the internal ear hearing loss, although a dysfunction in the middle ea...

Cochlear implant: application, functioning, surgery, risks & costs
When sound-amplifying, conventional hearing aids are no longer sufficient to compensate for a hearing loss, the insertion of a hearing aid implant ...

Meniere's disease: symptoms, causes, therapy
What is Meniere's disease?
Morbus Meniere is a rare inner ear disorder in which increased pressure in our vestibular organ and inner ear causes se...

Bang trauma: treatment, causes, symptoms
Bang trauma: treatment, causes, symptoms
Bang trauma is an acoustic trauma. It occurs when the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged. This can o...

Positional vertigo: exercises, causes, symptoms, diagnosis
What is positional vertigo?
Roughly 2 in 100 people are affected by positional vertigo at least once during their lifetime, with women falling int...

What is tinnitus? Treatment, causes, symptoms
Everything You Should Know About Tinnitus
Many are familiar with the phenomenon of buzzing ears. A tinnitus as hissing, whistling, hissing or hummi...

Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss): Definition, Symptoms & Causes
What is presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)?
Every seventh adult in Germany is affected, from 65 years even every second. The speech is from Pr...

Tinnitus Noiser - Tinnitus Hearing Aid Cost & Experience
Tinnitus Noiser - Tinnitus Hearing Aid Cost & Experience
Tinnitus, also called ringing in the ears, is a clinical symptom described by a loud, ann...

Water in the ear - What to do?
Whether after a bath, a quick shower or laps in the pool, water often remains in the ear and affects our hearing. Your ear feels clogged and everyt...

How to clean your ears properly
You produce earwax incessantly, although you are not even aware of it. However, some find this vital secretion particularly unpleasant. Very often,...

Middle ear infection: Treatment, causes, symptoms
Everything you need to know about otitis media
Very often, an acute middle ear infection starts with a cold. In most cases, viruses are responsibl...

How to clean Hearing Aids - The ultimate Guide
The Ultimate Hearing Aid Cleaning and Care Guide
Your hearing aid is a faithful companion, providing you with clear hearing on a daily basis. At t...

(Sudden) hearing loss: treatment, causes, symptoms
(Sudden) hearing loss and its causes
About half a billion people worldwide are affected by hearing loss. Newborns as well as children and adults ar...

What is a hearing loss? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
What is a hearing loss?
Most often, the sensation of sound is disturbed on one side in a hearing loss. In this case, the inner ear is affected. Ev...

Sensorineural hearing loss/ sensorineural hearing loss: causes, symptoms, treatment
Sound-induced hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss
What is sensorineural hearing loss/internal ear hearing loss?
Acoustic hearing loss or se...

Hearing loss (hypacusis): symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, types
Hearing Loss: Definition & Facts
Hypakusis Definition
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hearing loss, also called hypacusis, affect...

High frequency hearing loss: treatment, causes, symptoms
Tweeter hearing loss - definition
Tweeter hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss and is found in mild, moderate, and profound degrees...

Co-payments for hearing aids with BKK - an overview
Copayments for hearing aids with the BKK - an overview
Overview of grants for the hard of hearing*
Health insurance
1. hearing aid
2. hearing a...

KKH and hearing aids: Your path to better hearing
KKH and hearing aids: Your path to better hearing
Overview of grants for the hard of hearing*
Health insurance
1. hearing aid
2. hearing aid

Hearing aid shields open or closed?
Introduction to hearing aid shields: Open or closed?
Hearing aids are a blessing for many who suffer from hearing loss. But did you know that there...

Siemens hearing aids: cutting-edge technology for better hearing
Siemens hearing aids
Siemens has a long tradition of developing high-quality hearing aids and is now one of the world's leading manufacturers. Fou...

Lost Hearing Aid: Will Health Insurance Pay? | MySecondEar
Hearing Aid Lost: Does the Health Insurance Pay?
A hearing aid is an important aid for people with hearing problems and can significantly improve l...

Hearing aid repair: cost, flat rate, health insurance | MySecondEar
Hearing aid repair: cost, flat rate, health insurance
Hearing aids are an important part of daily life for people with hearing problems. They allow...

RIC (RITE) Hearing Aids: What are Receiver-in-Canal hearing aids?
RIC (RITE) hearing aids: What are Receiver-in-Canal hearing aids?
A hearing aid is an electronic device designed to help people with hearing proble...

Danish Hearing Aids & Manufacturers | MySecondEar
Danish Hearing Aids & Manufacturers
Denmark is known for its advanced technology and innovation in many areas, including hearing aids. Danish heari...

Swiss Hearing Aids & Manufacturer | MySecondEar
Swiss Hearing Aids & Manufacturers
Hearing aids are electronic devices designed to help people with hearing problems by improving their ability to ...

Hearing aids for musicians & music lovers | MySecondEar
Hearing aids for musicians & music lovers
Musicians have special requirements for their hearing aid: it must not only make speech intelligible, but...