Hörgerät für Katzen | MySecondEar

Hearing aid for cats | MySecondEar

Hearing aid for cats Many cat owners search the Internet, books or trade magazines for ways to do something about their cats' hearing loss. Other o...
Neues Hörgerät: Wie oft zahlt die Krankenkasse Hörgeräte?

New hearing aid: How often does health insurance pay for hearing aids?

New hearing aid: How often does health insurance pay for hearing aids? In Germany, most health insurance companies pay for hearing aids, but there ...
Neues Hörgerät vor Ablauf von 6 Jahren

New hearing aid before 6 years have passed

New hearing aid before the end of 6 years There are several reasons why a person may need a new hearing aid before six years have passed. One of t...
Was ist Otosklerose? Operation, Symptome & Ursachen

What is otosclerosis? Surgery, Symptoms & Causes

What is otosclerosis? Otosclerosis can cause severe hearing loss and even complete deafness. How does this middle ear disease develop, what consti...
Hörgeräte Wasserdicht: Sind Hörgeräte wasserresistent? (Schwimmen, Dusche, Sauna, etc.)

Hearing aids Waterproof: Are hearing aids water resistant? (Swimming, shower, sauna, etc.)

Hearing aids waterproof: Are hearing aids water resistant? (Swimming, shower, sauna, etc.) Commonly, water is the biggest enemy of hearing aids. He...
Schwerhörigkeit ICD: Ein umfassender Leitfaden zu ICD-Codes

Hearing loss ICD: A comprehensive guide to ICD codes

Introduction Hearing loss is a common health challenge that affects people of all ages. It affects the ability to perceive sounds and speech, which...
Zuzahlung für Hörgeräte bei der AOK – Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Co-payment for hearing aids with the AOK - A comprehensive guide

Copayment for hearing aids with the AOK - A comprehensive guide Overview of grants for the hard of hearing* Health insurance 1. hearing aid 2. ...
Neue Hörgeräte nach 4 Jahren: Anspruch auf Hörgeräte

New hearing aids after 4 years: Entitlement to hearing aids

New hearing aids after 4 years Welcome to the world of hearing! Who would have thought that after just four years, the latest hearing aid models co...
Hörgeräte Testsieger Stiftung Warentest: Eine Analyse der letzten Jahre

Hearing aid test winner Stiftung Warentest: An analysis of the last few years

Hearing aid test winner Stiftung Warentest Foundation Warentest, one of the most trustworthy and renowned consumer organizations in Germany, has p...
Hörtest: der professionelle Hörtest beim Arzt oder Akustiker

Hearing test: the professional hearing test at the doctor or acoustician

Hearing test: the professional hearing test on site If hearing loss is suspected, a professional hearing test should be carried out urgently to o...
Hörgeräte Probleme!? 5 Schritte zur Fehlereingrenzung | MySecondEar

Hearing aid problems! 5 steps to pinpointing the fault | MySecondEar

Hearing aid problems! 5 steps to isolate the fault Hearing aids are an indispensable support in everyday life for many people. They make it possib...
Hörgerät juckt im Ohr: Ohrenjucken bei Hörgeräten

Hearing aid itches in the ear: Itchy ears with hearing aids

Hearing aid itches in the ear: itchy ears with hearing aids In general, itchy ears can have various causes. It is particularly common due to seborr...
Hörgeräte ohne Zuzahlung: Test & Erfahrungen

Hearing aids without co-payment: test & experience

Hearing aids without additional payment test Hearing aids are an important aid for people with hearing loss. Statutory health insurance companies ...
Alte Hörgeräte & Hörgerätebatterien entsorgen | MySecondEar

Dispose of old hearing aids & hearing aid batteries | MySecondEar

Dispose of old hearing aids & hearing aid batteries Hearing aids are important devices that help many people correct or improve their hearing loss....
Hörimplantat Unsichtbar | MySecondEar

Hearing Implant Invisible | MySecondEar

Hearing Implant Invisible A cochlear implant is an electronic hearing prosthesis. It converts sound into electrical signals and transmits them dire...
Samsung Smartphone Hörgerätekompatibel | MySecondEar

Samsung smartphone hearing aid compatible | MySecondEar

Samsung smartphone hearing aid compatible Samsung is a well-known manufacturer of smartphones, tablets and other electronics. Many Samsung devices ...
Hörgeräte Nebengeräusche zu Laut | MySecondEar

Hearing aids background noise too loud | MySecondEar

Hearing aids side noise too loud Hearing aids are small electronic devices designed to improve the hearing performance of people with hearing loss....
Hörgeräte testen: 30-Tage Rückgaberecht bei MySecondEar

Test hearing aids free of charge: Hearing aids test wear

Test hearing aids for free In this article, you'll learn why you should take advantage of the opportunity to test hearing aids before you buy, how ...
Loch im trommelfell

Hole in the eardrum: causes, treatment, surgery

Drumhead burst - What to do?! Your eardrum consists of a very thin membrane. It forms a boundary between the inner ear and the outer part of your e...
TK-Hörgeräteversorgung: Kosten, Zuzahlungen und Zuschüsse im Überblick

TK hearing aid care: Costs, co-payments and subsidies at a glance

TK hearing aid provision: Costs, co-payments and subsidies at a glance Overview of grants for the hard of hearing* Health insurance 1. hearing ...
Hörgeräteversorgung bei der DAK-Gesundheit: Ein Überblick über Zuzahlungen und Zuschüsse

Hearing aid care with DAK-Gesundheit: An overview of co-payments and subsidies

Hearing aid provision with DAK-Gesundheit: An overview of co-payments and subsidies Overview of grants for the hard of hearing* Health insuranc...
Hörgeräte im Flugzeug | MySecondEar

Hearing aids on the plane | MySecondEar

Hearing aids on a plane Using hearing aids on an airplane can be challenging for some people. The loud engine noise and the pressure difference in ...
Telefon mit Bluetooth für Hörgeräte | MySecondEar

Phone with Bluetooth for hearing aids | MySecondEar

Phone with Bluetooth for Hearing Aids Fixed-line phones with Bluetooth functionality offer users with hearing aids a convenient way to make phone c...
Hörgeräte Schmuck: Ohrstecker, Ohrring & Ohrschmuck | MySecondEar

Hearing Aid Jewelry: Stud Earrings, Earring & Ear Jewelry | MySecondEar

Hearing Aids Jewelry: Stud Earrings, Earring & Ear Jewelry Hearing aids are small electronic devices designed to help people with hearing problems ...
Audio Service App: Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Audio Service App: Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility)

Audio Service App: Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app in Google ...
Widex App: Widex Hörgeräte App (iPhone & Android Kompatibilität)

Widex App: Widex Hearing Aid App (iPhone & Android Compatibility)

Widex App: Widex Hearing Aids App (iPhone & Android Compatibility) Download app in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ Download app in Google P...
Hörgeräte mit dem Fernseher/ TV verbinden

Connecting hearing aids to the TV - How to bring your TV experience back into the living room

Limited hearing affects almost all areas of life. One daily challenge for many is watching television, which is actually relaxing, because hearing ...
Interton Hörgeräte: Move, Ready - Erfahrungen & Modelle

Interton hearing aids: Move, Ready - Experiences & Models

Interton hearing aids The company called Interton has been around for more than 60 years now. The company was founded in Cologne, Germany. Today, t...
Otoplastiken Erfahrungen und Wissenswertes

Earmolds experiences and things to know

Ear moulds and earmoulds in modern hearing aids In today's world, a modern hearing aid is not only very light and small, but it also brings immense...
Hörgeräte für Hunde

Hearing aids for dogs

What you need to know about hearing loss in dogs Did you know that cats can hear from 55 Hz to 79 kHz and dogs cover a range from 67 Hz to 44 kHz. ...
Hörgeräte Versicherung mit MySecondEar!

Hearing Aid Insurance with MySecondEar!

The hearing aid insurance from MySecondEar Whether it's lack of care, external damage, theft or loss, your hearing aids are exposed to many hazard...
Gehörgangsentzündung: Behandlung, Ursachen, Symptome

Ear canal inflammation: Treatment, causes, symptoms

Ear diseases - inflamed ear canal Therapy, symptoms and causes of an ear canal inflammation When the ear canal in the ear is inflamed, the inflamma...
Hörgeräte früher und heute: Geschichte der Hörgeräte

Hearing aids past and present: the history of hearing aids

The evolution of hearing aids: From simple hearing aids to modern technology Introduction When we think of technological advances, we usually think...
Hörgeräte-Zuschüsse: Ihr Ratgeber zur Knappschaft-Zuzahlung

Hearing aid co-payments: Your guide to the Knappschaft co-payment

Hearing aid co-payments: Your guide to the Knappschaft co-payment Overview of grants for the hard of hearing* Health insurance 1. hearing aid 2...
Barmenia Hörgeräte: Ihr Weg zur optimalen Hörunterstützung

Barmenia hearing aids: Your path to optimal hearing support

Barmenia hearing aids: Your path to optimal hearing support Private health insurance co-payment for hearing aids The medical criteria for determin...
Debeka Hörgeräte: Ein umfassender Leitfaden zur Kostenübernahme und Unterstützung

Debeka hearing aids: A comprehensive guide to cost coverage and support

Debeka hearing aids: A comprehensive guide to cost coverage and support Private health insurance co-payment for hearing aids The medical criteria ...
DKV Hörgeräte Erstattung: Unterstützung für optimales Hören

DKV hearing aid reimbursement: support for optimal hearing

DKV hearing aid reimbursement: Support for optimal hearing Private health insurance co-payment for hearing aids The medical criteria for determini...
Hörgeräte Erfahrungen: Hörgeräte tragen und Gewöhnung

Hearing aid experience: Hearing aid wearing and habituation

Hearing Aid Experience: Hearing aid wear and habituation I have been wearing hearing aids for over 20 years and can say that they help me a lot in ...
ITC Hörgeräte: Was sind ITC Hörgeräte? | MySecondEar

ITC Hearing Aids: What are ITC hearing aids? | MySecondEar

ITC Hearing Aids: What are ITC hearing aids? ITC stands for "in the canal," which means "in the ear canal" in German. ITC hearing aids are a type ...
IIC Hörgeräte: Was sind IIC Hörgeräte? | MySecondEar

IIC Hearing Aids: What are IIC hearing aids? | MySecondEar

IIC Hearing Aids: What are IIC hearing aids? IIC stands for "invisible in the canal" and refers to a type of hearing aid that is almost completely...
Power Hörgeräte: Beste Hörgeräte für hochgradig Schwerhörige

Power hearing aids: Best hearing aids for profound hearing loss

Power hearing aids: best hearing aids for severe hearing loss Power hearing aids are a special type of hearing aid designed for people with severe ...
Analoge Hörgeräte | MySecondEar

Analog hearing aids | MySecondEar

Analog hearing aids Analog hearing aids are a type of hearing aid used to improve the hearing of people with hearing impairment or hearing loss. Th...
Leichte Schwerhörigkeit Hörgerät | MySecondEar

Mild hearing loss hearing aid | MySecondEar

Mild Hearing Loss Hearing Aid Mild hearing loss is a condition in which a person has difficulty perceiving certain audible signals, especially in n...
Hörgeräte mit Android verbinden | MySecondEar

Connecting hearing aids with Android | MySecondEar

Hearing aids Android Connecting hearing aids to Android devices is easy and offers users a variety of benefits, including the ability to stream aud...
Hörgeräte mit iPhone verbinden - Made for iPhone Hörgeräte (MfI)

Connect hearing aids with iPhone - Made for iPhone hearing aids (MfI)

Connect hearing aids with iPhone - Made for iPhone hearing aids (MfI) Made for iPhone (MFI) hearing aids are hearing aids that are specifically de...
MySecondEar Hörakustiker mit schwerhörigem Kunden

Inserting and removing hearing aids in the ear

How to put in and take out your hearing aid A modern hearing aid is quite small and unobtrusive. You may have a hard time imagining it if you've n...
Wie funktionieren Hörgeräte?

How do hearing aids work?

How do hearing aids work? Hearing aids amplify volume - that much seems clear at first. However, hearing aids are no longer limited to this functi...
Telefonieren mit Hörgeräten

Making phone calls with hearing aids

Talking on the phone with a hearing aid For hard of hearing, talking on the phone can be a real challenge. Nowadays, however, it is possible to ma...
Telefonspule Hörgerät: Alles was Sie wissen müssen | MySecondEar

Telecoil hearing aid: Everything you need to know | MySecondEar

T-coil hearing aid: everything you need to know The T-coil, also known as an induction coil or telecoil, is a small piece of metal that is tightly ...
Hörgeräte für sehr enge Gehörgänge | MySecondEar

Hearing aids for very narrow ear canals | MySecondEar

Hearing aids for very narrow ear canals Hearing aids are an important aid for people with hearing loss as they help them to hear sounds and speech ...